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20 control points for your purchasing negotiations

This list is not intended to replace negotiation training, but it can guide you in preparing for better results.

There are many keys to successfully negotiating with suppliers:

  • Prepare carefully
  • Learn a variety of techniques
  • Be able to think quickly
  • Communicate convincingly

Pugnacity is one of the most important.

To help you in your purchasing negotiations, we offer you a checklist of 20 points to successfully complete all your purchasing negotiations.

Optimize your purchasing management

One good preparation is the basis for successful negotiations. At the end of the negotiation, help the supplier be happy with your new relationship rather than making them feel like they've lost the negotiation.

This list is not intended to replace negotiation training, but it can Guide you during your preparation for better results.
Please note that BME Formation offers training in procurement negotiation.

Example of checkpoints that you can find in the excel tool:

  • Identify the first vendor to negotiate with.
  • Determine the negotiation strategy (e.g. aggressive, collaborative, etc.)
  • Anticipate the reaction of your supplier for each of the tactics.
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