
Procurement consulting

Discover our Procurement Consulting missions
and talk with a Procurement expert who will you in your steps.




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Our three sources of Procurement advice

Years of expertise have allowed us to develop strategic procurement plans that are extremely efficient and quick to deploy. Monitor and feed supplier risk indicators (Documents, certificates, certifications, certifications, financial data, etc.).

Spend Analysis

Spend Analysis allows the Procurement team to have a picture of expenses by families, internal customers and suppliers. This procurement mapping identifies high-stakes purchasing categories and improve your strategy.

Optimizing costs and sourcing

BME Consulting offers innovative solutions tailored to each company to obtain cost savings. This procurement consultancy mission consists in launching and following a tendering procedure. Our pre-qualified supplier directory allows us to save precious time, and makes our procurement advice mission much more effective than normal.

Purchasing Delegation

Are you looking for a buyer or interim procurement manager for a defined period of time? BME Consulting offers you qualified profiles within 3 days. Our action? It takes place over the medium and long term to allow you to gain in quality, costs and deadlines.

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