E-Procurement solution

VMS service management: Our solution

Published By
Jeremy Ferrer
Spot Buys

Digitize profile requests with the VMS solution

As with all purchases, the use of a solution allows significant gains. VMS (Vendor Management System) solutions are now very ergonomic and easy to handle allow the buyer to automate as many tasks as possible and delegate the launch of the consultation while maintaining control.

Creating the specifications, what should we not forget:

First of all, you need to create a directory of Service Providers

From now on, it is essential to set up a regular update of information. This makes it possible to launch requests for optimized profiles. The VMS tool coupled with the SRM of Sourcing-Force.com, makes it possible to gather all the information on a single tool. Also, this makes it possible to choose good service providers (Geolocation, Skills, transaction histories, contracts, general and financial information, contact).

Also, it is essential to use the standardization of the expression of needs.

In fact, for this type of purchase, it is necessary to standardize the expression of needs using online forms (specifications, response grids). The standardization of specifications in the company allows the buyer to create a framework in which he will delegate to business departments (R&D, Industry, HR...) the responsibility for tenders and the monitoring of the service. This reduces exchanges, limits errors or oversights. In addition, the construction of a standard makes it possible to compare consultations, profiles and quotes between them according to providers, agencies, types of services and date.

First, the formalization of an answer grid!

It is essential for compare supplier responses in effective ways. Afterwards, she will ensure that the supplier provides the right information in order to avoid time-consuming exchanges with low added value.

The buyer wastes precious time managing the multitude of emails. Thus, implementing a VMS solution makes it possible to reduce the number of emails per consultation by 90%. By its appearance collaborative, the business departments, the buyer and the supplier all respond on a single tool. It is a Messaging by consultation to not lose any information and centralize conversations. A supplier area allows the supplier to respond and update its offer independently.

For the 10% of emails Remaining a large part is automated in the solution. This will concern the invitation for consultation, alert when an offer is submitted, reminder emails or even response emails...

Second, a last very important gain in productivity!

The aim is to centralize consultations in a single tool. Thanks to search engine, each stakeholder can find the information in a few seconds. The set of

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The information can be consulted throughout the consultation. The information will come from the initial specifications, history of supplier responses, stakeholder profiles, messaging, schedule.

Also, it is possible to provide prescribing departments with an E-catalog of negotiated benefits/services, or even day/hour package statistics will speed up the ordering process and internal customer satisfaction.

More articles on the purchase of services: click below!

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Today, software solutions such as Sourcing-Force.com provide rationalization that is all the more necessary as these purchases of services continue to develop. BME Consulting, a major player in source-to-pay, has made this purchasing family a specialty.

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