Regardless of the type of approach of procurement outsourcing selected by the company, there are key factors or pitfalls in managing the relationship between purchasing partners.
Partnership can take different shapes : provider in the context of outsourcing, shared service center, shared or not, relocated or not.
“Good borders make good friends”
Benjamin Gomes Casseres
The management of the relationship between customer and service provider partners is generally decisive for the success of a procurement outsourcing operation.
The preconditions for the success of this relationship must be met in order to promote a climate of transparency And ofExchanges permanent on the conditions of operability of the relationship.
Indeed, there may remain a difference of views on the difficulties and priorities between the service provider wishing to protect its margins and the customer wishing to transfer risks.
Illustration of the main difficulties identified when managing the relationship between outsourced purchasing partners:
The main difficulties identified by procurement outsourcing providers are (Forrester 2005):
Therefore, it is necessary to be particularly vigilant on several points:
The relationship must therefore be managed as a strategic partnership by both parties. It must embody a new culture of transformation based on collaboration, theOpen-mindedness, theinnovation And the proactivity :
While the relationship should be flexible and open and encourage dialogue, it should nevertheless be organized within a strict and effective governance framework.
This management framework should allow both parties to express themselves and to make decisions structuring the relationship and the conditions of operation of the object of the relationship.
It must also allow the client company to maintain control and control of the outsourced service with the provider. This includes:
The governance framework is key to structuring the relationship.
However, the relationship is lived on a daily basis between the partners' teams.
People are therefore at the heart of the relationship system and they ensure its quality and sustainability. The procurement outsourcing project pilot and contract managers are key at the heart of the interfaces:
Beyond that, this new type of commitment is in fact an organizational change, which leads to significant change management.
It must be targeted at the professions, the employees of the entity whose activity is transferred and the host structure (service provider or shared structure) and the staff representative bodies.
Two points are particularly important:
Also, in order to properly formalize the contractual objective, it is necessary to have a precise vision of your need, present and future, which is often impossible.
The difficulty lies in formalizing, based on what is known, a quantified target while leaving the service provider (internal or external) sufficient leeway to demonstrate their professional know-how.
In the body of the contractual commitment, four paragraphs are particularly important:
For their part, the annexes to the contract will precisely define the content of the service, the service levels, the scope of the services, the commitments to the result and the penalties in case of non-achievement or overtaking.
In the case of shared service centers developed internally, the service contract has no legal value, but it is essential to specify the operating methods and commitments of the stakeholders.
Thus, conflict resolution is simpler, since it takes place within the framework of internal governance.
While defining the prices of the units of services provided at the beginning of the contract, the customer must also communicate regularly on his perception of the service in an organized manner and in order to ensure mutual progress.
Better formalizing the processes between the businesses and the partner (whether internal or external), defining service levels and giving ourselves the means to measure them in order to better communicate them to users, establishing an internal structure capable of managing the partner on the one hand, but also able to structure communication between the two parties are among the keys to success in managing the relationship. between purchasing partners.