The Long Term Car Rental Cycle (1/6)

Published By
Jeremy Ferrer
Spot Buys

The grip

1. Vehicle control
When you sign a p.o, you agree to an estimate, which specifies: the model of the vehicle, its options, its accessories, the evaluation of its financial rent, the services subscribed as well as the fiscal elements.
As soon as the order form is signed, the lessor will take care of it all administrative procedures and practices related to vehicle delivery: the application for registration, the order of the vehicle registration document, the manufacture of flow-through cards (fuel card), the preparation and delivery of the driver's pouch, etc.
In order to avoid possible delays in the delivery of the vehicle, the main actors in LLD have within their organization services dedicated to the follow-up of orders that can quickly notify their customers in the event of an incident.

2. Validation
Once the order form is in his possession, the service provider validates the various components of the LLD service and issues the special long-term rental conditions (CPL).
This document includes all or part of the order form (vehicle model, options, accessories, accessories, financial rent, color of the vehicle, expected delivery date, etc.), it should be considered as the final offer from the service provider. In addition, the signing of these CPLs constitutes the definitive commitment of both parties in a LLD contract.
In general, the special rental conditions, before signature, are valid for one month from their date of issue and subject to an increase in the manufacturer's rate or a change in the applicable taxation.

3. Delivery
It is the provision by the service provider of a vehicle under the conditions and at the place agreed contractually. When delivered to a dealership, delivery is generally accompanied by a presentation of the vehicle and its main options.
On this occasion, the customer can either refuse to take delivery of the vehicle presented (non-compliance of the vehicle's characteristics with respect to CPL, material damage, etc.) while taking the risk of having penalties, or accept the order as is after signing the delivery report. It should be noted, however, that the transfer of possession of the vehicle (physical detention) in the absence of a signed report is considered to be a tacit agreement.

4. Invoicing
Many businesses are surprised (not to say annoyed!!!) of the amount indicated when they received their first bill, don't worry, it was probably established over a period of two months.
Indeed, it is rare to see a long-term rental contract start on the first of the month, in fact, the first bill is always a bit particular in that it covers both the proportion of the current month when the vehicle is delivered and the following month. In such a case, the rent surplus is calculated in proportion to the days the vehicle is used in accordance with monthly billing.

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