Spot Buys

One-stop vendor for spot purchases: Benefits

Published By
Olivier Audino

A one-stop vendor for spot purchases!

Simplifying all the administrative aspects of creating and managing suppliers is a real challenge for large accounts. If the management of the Purchasing performance

is crucial for strategic suppliers, the practical aspects related to low-value purchases (class C purchases) are often overlooked because they are time-consuming and even devaluing for a buyer. Class S purchases are generally less than 10,000 euros per year and concern the management of the supplier account, the issuance and processing of multiple invoices, or the handling of disputes.

The solution: a one-stop vendor for spot purchases!

Take the example of a single supplier that would centralize all orders of this type, with a single monthly invoice containing all orders placed. They could be types of purchases, in particular those that are the most restrictive to process for large accounts (purchases abroad, in foreign currencies, online purchases requiring a card, cash or advance purchases).

It is what Buy Made Easy (BME) propose,

because according to her, outsourcing Achats Spots saves an invaluable amount of time.

A Business Process Outsourcing (BPO Purchasing) “hub”

Technically speaking, — the BME solution — eliminates the need to create a supplier account for each Spot or Class C Purchase: it thus avoids polluting the in-house ERP databases.

The solution aggregates requests or retrieves them by email according to the customer's choice. A markup of 5 to 7% of order processing fees excluding taxes is applied. From there, the entire supply chain with the supplier is taken care of by BME.

The solution makes it possible to closely monitor all unsolicited supplies that are not taken into account, and in particular non-catalog purchases that do not have a product reference in the customer's internal database.

An e-procurement solution as a tool for negotiating class C purchases

BME brings an innovative “plus” to this process: a real e-Purchase solution allowing to treat shopping cards, e-catalogs, and more e-procurement. In the end, the customer gains in fluidity in the processing of their spot or class C purchases. The icing on the cake: the analysis of “Big Data” also serves as a lever for negotiating prices by comparing the history of thousands of customer orders for a targeted product or service. On average, we consider 3 to 10% the negotiated gain thanks to the implementation of procurement outsourcing.

In summary, 3 major benefits:

  • Time savings: where 3 or 4 days were needed, the treatment is almost instantaneous
  • Simplification of supplies: a single point to process all requests,
  • Improvement of reporting: end of the breakdown of invoices and suppliers.

Choosing BME also means trusting a chosen publisher by Michelin, LEM (Geneva), Laboratoires Roche Diabète,, Fresenius, Sofradim/Medtronic...

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