Procurement strategy

Maverick purchases entrusted to a purchasing agent

Published By
Jeremy Ferrer
Spot Buys

Maverick purchases entrusted to a purchasing agent

For more than 15 years, Shopping functions grew strongly and businesses became aware of the benefits that could be derived from this strategic function.

At the same time, many businesses have started outsource some functions that are not strategic or require complex expertise, starting with functions related to the IT domain.

This movement to use subcontracting or outsourcing is continuing and has spread to other areas of the company, outsourcing being one of the levers used by companies to increase their competitiveness And their competitive advantage.

The acceleration of outsourcing projects.

The Purchasing department is also concerned by this movement to accelerate outsourcing projects. The main objectives of companies using procurement outsourcing are as follows:

  • An increase in their economic productivity;
  • A better knowledge of supplier markets and innovation opportunities allowing a competitive advantage;
  • An increase in the quality of the service provided internally;
  • Variabilization of costs;
  • A reduction in cycles (up and down the market).

In this context, the market foroutsourcing procurement is still very fragmented and is divided between the global and global service offerings of operators resulting from IT outsourcing and the very specialized but often local offers of operators with limited size, financial capabilities and geographical coverage.

Taking charge of your non-strategic purchases

Specialist in the management of non-strategic purchases, Sourcing Force is an operating purchasing platform that intervenes on all Purchasing - Procurement - Logistics issues on behalf of large industrial groups as well as service companies.
Through its global and integrated offer, Sourcing Force offers a range of services ranging from managing the transaction process to outsourcing part of the purchasing function.

In addition to these services and thanks to its own logistics platform, Sourcing Force assists its customers with their logistical challenges for small and medium series, services ranging from product sourcing to supply at the edge of the production line.

Sourcing Force thus becomes your single point of contact for all of your non-strategic purchases, by offering both procurement and procurement resources, information systems, procurement processes and methodologies.

Scope of intervention: Sourcing Force

Sourcing Force proposes to provide all external resources in order to support General, Financial and Purchasing Departments in their projects to optimize, simplify and secure their non-strategic purchases.

Sourcing Force is thus part of the tool of performance complementary to corporate purchasing strategies and aims to provide them with

  • additional capabilities (IT and HR)
  • advanced expertise

The offer Sourcing Force is thus divided into 4 areas of expertise:

  • Pole Procurement whose aim is to manage your supplies
  • Pole Logistics whose aim is to manage your small and medium series logistics
  • Pole Sourcing whose aim is to manage your purchasing families
  • Pole Global Sourcing, which aims to take responsibility for part of your procurement function.

The areas of expertise of the Sourcing Force offer are thus complementary and allow Sourcing Force to offer a global offer.
Each purchasing problem is covered by Sourcing Force, whether or not there is a transfer of transaction flows and this throughout the Purchasing Procurement value chain.

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