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How to create an order form in Excel ?

Published By
Olivier Audino

Everything you need to know about creating an order form in Excel

The Excel order form is an indispensable tool for a business. This commercial document consists of confirming a sale with a customer or a purchase from a supplier. Establishing an order form is not mandatory. However, its drafting requires the monitoring of some criteria for its validity to be effective.

By occupying positions, such as a company manager, production manager, sourcing or procurement manager, your functions require you from time to time to place orders for goods or services. You are then required to create an order form.

There are several ways to set up a purchase order. One of these is the Excel order form. This tool has become essential to facilitate tasks when interacting with suppliers.

What you need to know about an order form

It is the buyer who establishes an order. This document gives concrete expression to his purchase intention. It also gives details on the terms of the order. As its establishment is not mandatory, it has no accounting value.

We can see the direct example of market sales that do not require a purchase order. All it takes is a verbal agreement on the details of the purchase and the sale can be concluded.

For professional purchases within the company, the order form is a crucial document for tracking supplies and intelligently planning and managing resources. That's why, unlike a simple paper order form, technicians went further by creating an Excel order form. It is the same purchase order but has been made dynamic with an automatic calculation function thanks to its design made in Microsoft Excel. It is therefore also called dynamic order form.

The Excel order order

Established on an Excel sheet, the Excel order form is an easy to use tool. It is an interactive form that reports the details of a customer's order. The unit price, the quantity of products ordered, the total price excluding tax, the price including VAT and even the discounts are mentioned there. The total price of the order will then be obtained automatically. It also allows simulations to be carried out to see if the allocated budget corresponds to the established order.

creating a purchase order in Excel

The role of the order form

Even if it is not mandatory, drawing up an order makes sense, especially when it comes to the supply of complex products. Once the document is signed, the Excel order form has legal value. It becomes a synallagmatic contract. This means that the commitment becomes reciprocal. Each party must honor the obligations of the contract.

On the one hand, the supplier must honor the order and deliver the goods in accordance with the terms of the order order. On the other hand, the buyer is required to receive the products or services ordered and to make the payment.

The purchase order or purchase order is governed by a very specific legal and commercial framework. This covers all disputes that may occur after the sale in connection with the order document between the supplier and the buyer. It also relates the pre-contractual information established by law concerning the characteristics of the products offered for sale such as their description, price, etc.

Its use mainly occurs in the purchaser/seller relationship when selling or supplying goods. On the other hand, be aware that the quotation only takes the nature of an order form when it is signed. The latter is used specifically for the provision of services.

Who is responsible for designing an automated Excel order form?

It is the seller or supplier company that is in charge of create an order form interactive. He sends it to the purchaser so that the latter can ascertain the conformity of the goods delivered with the order. After that, the supplier or seller issues the invoice. Unlike the purchase order, the invoice is a mandatory document. It is legal and accounting in nature and can be used as supporting documents. The invoice acts as a payment request.

In large companies, sales secretaries or assistants in the sales department manage purchase orders. Indeed, the choice of the person responsible for managing this task depends on the size of the entity.

With this purchase document, the customer undertakes to the seller to honor the order.

How does the Excel order form work?

Buying is an important task in a company. The savings made on the purchase of a product or service are profits for the company. So you have to know how to place orders. Order errors can have major consequences. Automated Excel order form software can only be beneficial for the smooth running of sales. It makes it possible to place orders, to track them and to create archives for future transactions.

Designing a voucher every time for an order agreement can be stressful, especially if purchases are frequent and in large quantities.

Using a dynamic order form saves time when preparing the document and reduces stress. Be aware, however, that creating it requires a thorough knowledge of the Excel workbook. Above all, you have to master the different tabs.

The “Settings” tab: where you need to insert information about yourself or data about suppliers.

The second tab allows you to generate your Excel order form by selecting the supplier then by defining the order number, the payment term and the delivery date. There you can enter your order details (description, quantity and price).

The last tab allows you to display the order form once all the information has been entered and selected. All that remains is to check, proofread, print or send it by converting it into a pdf format to the supplier.

How do I create an order form?

You can create an interactive order form directly online thanks to the multiple templates offered. We can also create it on Word or Excel. When there are many purchase orders to be drawn up, it is preferable to use commercial management software, as drawing up these documents can take a long time. Commercial software provides multiple forms that are easily customizable according to business needs.

Obviously, these software come in paid and free versions. The functionalities offered by these tools have been designed to make it easier for managers because of their simplicity and maneuverability. Choose recognized software whose functionalities comply with current legislation. The use of this software or an Excel spreadsheet can improve the management and management of your company's activities.

Order form excel

Here is an example of an order form offered by BME:

Legal information that must be entered on the order form

The company must include the following information in order for it to be valid.

Legal information concerning the company:

  • Name or company name
  • The head office
  • The form of society
  • The SIRET or SIREN
  • Social capital
  • The RCS
  • Value Added Tax number

Legal information on the customer:

If in BtoC:
  • The name
  • The address of his place of residence.
If in BtoB:
  • Corporate name of the company;
  • The address of the head office;
  • His VAT number.
General information:
  • The number of the order form;
  • Its date of issue;
  • The number of the original quotation;
  • The words “good for agreement” or “read and approved” with the customer's signature;
  • The signature of the supplier is not mandatory but recommended.
Transaction data:
  • The description of the goods;
  • The quantity;
  • The unit price excluding tax;
  • The applicable VAT rate;
  • The total price of the order excluding tax and all taxes included;
  • The methods of execution and delivery;
  • Payment terms;
  • If applicable, a mention of the payment of an advance payment;
  • The discount;
  • Penalties;
  • The withdrawal period if applicable;
  • Legal guarantees and what they cover globally.

The general terms and conditions of sale CGV normally appear on the back of the purchase order. The customer must accept these conditions by signing the document. The signature is at the bottom of the document and may be accompanied by a check box confirming knowledge and acceptance of the general conditions of sale. This reinforces the security of contract clauses in the event of disputes.

The penalties that businesses may incur for not displaying legal notices can amount to more than €750.

The purchaser's right to withdraw

The buyer has the right to cancel the purchase after payment. This is the withdrawal period that is provided for by the law in force and that the seller must respect. For no reason, if the withdrawal period is respected according to the formalities, the customer may cancel the purchase and the seller is obliged to reimburse him. According to the consumer code provided for by article L.221-18 of the Hamon law, this withdrawal period is set at 14 days. This period begins upon signature of the contract for services and upon delivery for products. This period may be extended to a period of 12 months in the event that the supplier has not informed the customer of this right. The customer can exercise his right of withdrawal without waiting for delivery.

Reasons why businesses use an Excel order form

At the start of their activities, businesses are often reluctant to use a management process. They prefer to stay with the traditional approach to creating the purchase order. Over time, as procurement becomes more complex and timelines become shorter, the traditional approach becomes ineffective. The search for an innovative solution is becoming a recurring need. The risks of contestation are increasing. In order to develop its market, a step forward towards professionalism is necessary. Creating value and satisfying customers on all points are becoming priorities in the face of tough competition that leaves no room for indecisive managers.

1. The voucher for order agreement helps with order tracking

The Excel order form provides you with an order dashboard. The procurement manager can have a real vision of the costs generated by the order, the cash flow situation, the state of current stocks and the projected orders to be placed in the future. It also makes invoicing easier. You also have an overview of the reliability of your suppliers and their willingness to respect their commitment.

2. It is a piece offering us legal protection

The details of your purchase are listed in the purchase order. During a transaction presenting an anomaly or non-compliance with the order, you can then justify the details of the order with this document. The supplier will not be able to deny and will do everything to honor its commitment stipulated in the order order. The latter will then serve as a supporting document that will help you in the event of disputes with a supplier. The document must be signed for its legal value to be validated.

3. It will be of crucial assistance during the audit

Auditors will easily have a clue to follow in the presence of purchase orders. It allows the grouping of packing slips and invoices. They make it possible to report more clearly the purchasing transactions carried out by the company during the accounting year. Without these purchase order documents, it is very easy to get lost looking for invoices and recording transactions to establish the financial statements of the company.

4. It will make it easy for your suppliers

Your delivery will be expedited once your supplier receives the order you filled out. The buying process becomes easier when information is well-structured and stored in one place. You can avoid unpleasant last-minute surprises.


Can I make a purchase order online?

It is possible to create your order form online. The supplier will have the task of completing the online purchase order and transferring it to the buyer. The latter can sign it using an electronic signature using recognized and secure software. This has been effective during pandemic crises all over the world. On the other hand, it is important to carefully choose the platform you use to fill out your online BDC. Choose secure sites. If necessary, read reviews on the internet about the platform in question.

What is the difference between the order form and the quotation?

The quotation is in no way binding on both parties. It is a price proposal document. Its role is to tell the buyer the details of the transaction by mentioning the characteristics of the product or service as well as the prices. For this reason, the buyer must collect several quotes from several suppliers in order to identify the one that is the most profitable for his purchase project.

The order order, in turn, consists in validating the conditions of a transaction between the actor and the supplier. If the buyer decides to sign it, the commitment is effective for both parties. The supplier must deliver the product. For his part, the buyer must pay for the order.

Order confirmations and purchase orders: the difference

Order orders consist in officially confirming purchasing decisions. Buyers send them to sellers.

Order confirmations are received by the purchasers and sent by the supplier confirming the sale prior to its execution.

Is it possible not to use an order form?

Any major purchase in a business that requires significant transactions requires an order form. It is not recommended to do without this document in this case. However, there are cases where it is not essential, especially for regular purchases that the company makes on a recurring basis. These can be transactions relating to electricity payments or even monthly subscriptions linked to the proper functioning of electricity. You should also know that you should be aware of the cost of the purchase even before completing the order form. Otherwise, the acquisition cannot be made via this document.

What are the differences between a purchase order and a quotation?

A quotation is a document exchanged between a company or a service provider and its customer. It is useful so that the latter can have an estimate of the cost of the service they need. On the other hand, an order form is rather used in the context of a sale of goods between professionals. The quotation does not commit the customer in any way to accept the estimated cost. Most service providers provide a free quote, although this document does not in any way require the customer to make a commitment.

Do I have to sign the order order?

If the supplier issues the order form, he is not obliged to sign it. On the other hand, if this action is carried out by the customer, the supplier must sign it in order to confirm that the order has been received and that he accepts all the conditions. Be aware that any order form that is signed becomes a contract. Both parties must then honor it.

The order form is an essential document for successfully completing the purchasing process within a company. By outsourcing your Class C purchases to BME, you will no longer have to take care of all that. We take care of all the administrative procedures including Excel order form design and by entrusting it to the supplier in order to free you from this task. The time savings generated by the decision to outsource your “wild” purchases will also allow you to save in financial terms. Get started right now. Receive and complete your Excel order form with BME Consulting.

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