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Buyer Code of Conduct

Independence, confidentiality, conflict of interest, competition, fairness and contractualization... This buyer code of conduct defines the ethical behaviors that every buyer must apply.

Be responsible and act accordingly

As part of his missions, the buyer is in permanent contact with several interlocutors external to his structure, in particular suppliers. When buying, it is therefore important that he demonstrates professional and moral qualities and that he adopts an irreproachable code of conduct. Indeed, he conveys the image of his company to the outside world: his personal ethics, his honesty, his professionalism and his determination, guarantees of effectiveness for his action, impact the reputation of his company.
It is therefore necessary for him to be vigilant on the following points:

  • Disclosure of interest,
  • Confidentiality and accuracy of the information,
  • Competition,
  • Business gifts and hospitality,
  • Discrimination and harassment,

This buyer code of conduct defines the ethical behaviors that every buyer must apply.

Example of elements to respect as a buyer:

  1. Independence
  2. Confidentiality
  3. Conflict of interest
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