Press releases

Why did Vulcain choose Buy Made Easy?

Published By
Jeremy Ferrer
Spot Buys

The reason why the Vulcain Group chose Buy Made Easy!

Its activity

The Vulcain group is specialized in the protection of people and property. It offers fire protection solutions, which are largely mandatory under multiple regulations, in businesses and public buildings.

The company sells fire extinguishers and offers associated services. This may include installation, maintenance, verification, and training in their use. To date, the Vulcain Group maintains more than 500,000 fire extinguishers per year. In line with its mission, the Group also offers training provided by professionals. They apply to the themes of protection and prevention. Also mandatory respiratory protection and fire safety system equipment in public establishments and workplaces. Not to mention the automatic extinguishing systems required in specific environments.

Savings achieved

It's not just about saving money. It's about spending more time with our customers and also about working better with our suppliers.

Michel Dardenne, President of Vulcain group

At the helm since April 2011, Michel Dardenne chose to rapidly increase the size of the company. It uses a strategy of successive acquisitions, a dozen companies in 18 months, using external financing. Ce Build-up enabled it to weigh €47 million and employ 410 employees at the end of 2012. The group wanted to quickly create synergies between the acquired entities, spread over 22 geographical sites. This is why the manager uses Buy Made Easy as part of a purchasing delegation:” Our ability to increase cash flow is essential to finance new acquisitions: delegated purchasing was the fastest solution to generate performance.

In six months, Buy Made Easy has obtained us discounts of more than double digits on car fleets, telephones and insurance.

Gain in competitiveness

Negotiations that were accompanied by an upgrade of our equipment. Our technicians have Smartphones. Our cars are now equipped with Bluetooth, air conditioning and parking sensors. In the end, we have increased efficiency in relation to our customers. We also have greater working comfort for our teams. Beyond these rapid gains, Buy Made Easy allowed us to convince new suppliers of the relevance of our strategy. Internally, structuring purchasing procedures have been put in place by consultants close to the field who are continuous forces of proposal.

Regular certifications of the Vulcain Group's activities are essential but require a significant investment of time. These will be carried out by independent bodies in the fields of quality, safety and the environment. The rapid contribution of expertise from Buy Made Easy allowed the Group to offload the purchasing part. So to focus on your core business. A guarantee of increased competitiveness in a sector where” proximity and responsiveness to our customers are essential. ”, concludes Michel Dardenne.

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