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VigiLegal - Purchasing Security and Compliance

Published By
Jeremy Ferrer
Purchasing profession

A unique solution to prevent different types of supplier risks

What is Vigilegal?

Vigilegal is a web-based solution designed to track and feed supplier risk indicators (Documents, certificates, certifications, financial data...).

VigiLegal key points

  • Collect the documents
  • Verify the data
  • Manage and process ongoing cases
  • Track suppliers' activity
  • Provides financial and legal information to its customers.

The 3 Ps of VigiLegal

The offer is based on 3 axes: PEOPLE, PLANET & PROFIT, in order to collect legal documents relating to all of your supplier obligations.

The 3Ps in detail

PLE — Social Responsibility : promote a social, health and environmental policy. The law of 11 May 2011 reinforces the fight against hidden and illegal work, in particular with regard to contractors. At the same time, the annual Sustainable Development Report is becoming mandatory for listed companies.

PLANET — Toxic Substances : ensure better control over REACH and RoHS standards. Europe is shifting the burden from regulators to industry, which must now prove that the chemicals it uses are safe by following the principle — “no data — no market”.

PROFIT — Financial monitoring : periodically measure the financial performance of your suppliers. With the NRE law, companies must be vigilant about supplier risks such as the risk of dependency or failure. Business support systems (CIR for example) require regular checks to prepare applications.

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