Car fleet

The Long Term Car Rental Cycle

Published By
Jeremy Ferrer
Purchasing profession

The Long Term Rental Cycle

Let's not hide it from us, long-term rentals remain a matter for specialists, to democratize it, the team had the idea of explaining, through an educational and fun approach, “the rules of the game” of this new practice by adopting a consumerist point of view,
The idea of the LLD cycle is to go beyond the standardized discourse currently widespread on the Internet and to appear as a true partner of the Internet user.
For these reasons, the LLD cycle is intended to be a teaching tool accessible to the greatest number of people and likely to shed useful light on a technical and complex activity.
Through this approach, this methodology can be perceived in the medium term as a tool for practical support for consumers in the implementation and monitoring of any long-term rental system.

First contact

1. Request a quote
In the world of LLD, the first contact is generally made by email or telephone. Indeed, one of the particularities of this activity is that there is no “LLD” store, strictly speaking, there is no “LLD” store to which it would be possible to go directly for a request for information or a quote.
In general, LLD providers have developed telephone services that are able to quickly deal with all your questions and to refer you, if necessary, to a commercial interlocutor.
In practice, from the first contact, the online person is responsible for asking you directly the number of vehicles that your company plans to acquire (estimated size of the fleet) as well as your professional contact details (geographical location, identification of the company...). This objective information, integrated into a CRM (Client Relationship Management) database, must allow the latter to create your file and identify the Sales Representative who will be dedicated to your project.

2. Rating
Once contact has been established with the various service providers selected, the company will be required to present its project and formulate its request for a quote. At this stage, it is therefore appropriate to work internally on the expression of the company's needs. Indeed, long-term rental is a complex service that requires prior reflection on the company's activity, its development strategy and its financial resources.
In order to avoid pitfalls and disappointments, some service providers go so far as to offer the prospect practical support in developing their specifications. Even if these services are never devoid of commercial ulterior motives (they can guide sales), they are generally very popular with businesses and in particular SMEs who are discovering LLD.
In view of the various elements transmitted, the salesperson will be able to carry out a complete diagnosis on the specifications that will be submitted to him. They may even have to demonstrate to prospects that the real needs of the company are different from those it expresses. Your interlocutor can usefully advise you, for example: “before quoting you a Scenic, it is important to determine if it is really a Scenic that you need...”.
In addition, as part of a quotation request, the salesperson must consider the smallest details of his service: options on vehicles (wooden reinforcements for commercial vehicles, the screen-printing of your company logo, etc.), services (assistance, maintenance, maintenance, pneumatics, insurance, etc.), services (assistance, maintenance, maintenance, tires, insurance, etc.).
The quotation is usually sent by email or fax. To request a quotation on a vehicle, count on a waiting period varying from a few hours to 24 hours, for a fleet of 30 vehicles, count about 5 days.

3. Financial acceptance
The implementation of your LLD project is suspended until the provider accepts the financial file. In fact, this acceptance is granted after a financial study based on a dozen objective criteria and not involving your banker.
In theory, the financial study is not carried out by the service provider once the offer has been selected. In practice, we see that a growing number of service providers are seeking to collect this information beforehand and before any quotation. So do not be surprised if a Sales representative inquires to determine if you are financially credible, in fact, it is useless for both parties to commit to a tender which may in the end be refused.
In terms of internal organization, each LLD provider has a specialized department, which bases its financial acceptance on the prior examination of the company's tax return and more precisely its Balance Sheet and Income Statement. Based on this study, three options can be considered: the file is accepted, the file is refused, the file is accepted subject to guarantees.
Once accepted, the company is invited to send its service provider a RIB. It will be used in particular for the payment of monthly payments, which is generally done by direct debit.

4. Signature of the CGL (General Rental Conditions)
In general, to be fulfilled, the General Rental Conditions must be supplemented by specific conditions that provide for the specific services, options and guarantees contracted with your LLD provider. In fact, even if the terms and conditions have been duly validated, the contract remains ineffective, as long as the company has not signed its first order form.
In the end, we can consider that the signing of the CGLs does not constitute a definitive commitment. This global agreement remains subject to the suspensive condition of a vehicle order. At this stage, this is therefore only a commitment in principle, the CGLs content themselves with defining the contractual relationships between the company and its service provider in the event that the latter are confirmed.

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