Needs analysis

Structuring effective functional specifications

Published By
Olivier Audino

What structure should be put in place for functional specifications?

The functional specification (CDcf) is a document by which the applicant Express your need in the form of service functions and constraints. For each of them, assessment criteria and their levels are defined. Each level comes with flexibility.

Formation stratégie achat

It is a rigorous methodological tool, necessary for identify and formulate the need, justify the technical requirements without specifying the solutions that meet the expectations of” seekers ” expressed in terms of purposes (why?) and not of means or solutions (how?).
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The functional specifications should be used as a means of expression of need between the applicant and the supplier. The structure of the specifications must be respected when writing


The presentation of the project (What are the motivations?)
The Context
The objective


Identification of the Product or Service (In what framework or project)
The product studied
The main user
The need of the user


Product or Service Environment (Where, with whom, what?)
The life cycle
The conditions of use


Service functions (To do what?)
Classified by category
Characterized by criteria


Implementation constraints (Respect what?)
Completion time
Mandated procedures

It is important to spend time identifying all internal contacts related to the product or service in question. It is also important to check that they have sufficient expertise to describe their needs or to contact the right supplier.

cahier des charges fonctionnel

What to do

  • Make it easy to read
  • Put yourself in the recipient's shoes.
  • Highlight constraints and degrees of freedom.
  • Building the CDCF progressively
  • Collect, Validate, Verify
cahier des charges fonctionnel

What not to do

  • Write a CDCF that is too generic
  • Write a CDCF that is too detailed
  • Offer the solution instead of the supplier
  • Elaborate the specifications alone
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Olivier Audino

A graduate of Grenoble Ecole de Management, before founding Buy Made Easy, Olivier worked for 7 years in the Purchasing Department of General Electric, United Technologies and the SEB Group.

It is by sharing with operational staff and business leaders in France and Europe that the idea of offering a marketplace that is easy to use and exclusively dedicated to the expectations of professionals was born.


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