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How do you tell the “real” cloud from the “fake”?

Published By
Jeremy Ferrer
Spot Buys

Cloud computing solutions

What does that actually mean?


The Cloud is an abstract subject that now extends from finance to accounting. Many vendors claim that their products are “In the Cloud,” but what does that really mean?

“Wrong” or “real” cloud?

How can you tell the difference between the” Fake Cloud ” sold by supposed experts in Cloud Computing solutions to that of the” True Cloud ” coming from real multi-tenant Cloud applications? To help you determine the “True Cloud” from the “Fake Cloud,” here are some explanations of the various software deployment options for businesses.

On-Site Software

It's the deployment model traditional.

The seller sells you software where you have to pay for the license and the annual maintenance fees. Then, it's up to you to take care of the rest. First of all, you need to install the infrastructures necessary for the installation such as servers and databases. Then comes the installation of the software in this same infrastructure. Then, you have to hire an IT team to maintain and use the software. Finally, it becomes essential to update your software every two or three years. You are hosting and are the sole owner of this base, congratulations! The other companies that have purchased this same software use it in an even different way than yours.

Software on a hosting provider.

The hosting model has long been praised by sellers.

This model works from a computer service company that has the necessary infrastructures to house your hardware and software. You pay this company to insure all the installation and maintenance work.It will always be about the fact that you will be the owner of the database and that it will be up to you to make the updates. You operate this software from the services of another company that you pay in return. Therefore, you will be able to visit your hosting provider to check the correct functioning of the software.

Some people claim this hosting system as a cloud model. However, it's just a software infrastructure shift in an IT service business. So this is what could be described as” Fake Cloud ”.

The cloud for a simple tenant.

There are a lot of vendors using the concept of a simple tenant cloud for software. This consists of placing the software on site in their database. You must then take out a subscription. You have access to your software from your internet browser or from your mobile. It only looks like partially to the “True Cloud” ”. Anyone who buys a cloud-based product from a single tenant has their own version of the software. Therefore, the vendor ensures the proper deployment of the applications. Software sold as a single-tenant cloud does not have the real advantages of the multi-tenant cloud. With the Cloud with a simple tenant, the seller offers “a few snippets” of Cloud on the basis. However, it is always the same base simply with a trendy name that is surfing the Cloud movement.

The multi-tenant cloud:

the multi-tenant Cloud is considered to be the” True Cloud ”.

In this model you are taking out a subscription for a service (the software) that will be operated by you and by other customers. Ask the vendor if the cloud is multi-tenant and what percentage of customers are using the latest version of the software. If the answer does not match” all of them ”, so it's not the “True Cloud.” With all users on the same version you get a lot of benefits.

  • Updates are being made automatically and without a temporary stop of the software.

The seller drives everything and requires very little effort from you. Then, he makes the adjustments for everyone at the same time. However, it can also innovate and adapt to the market very quickly since it has only one version of the software to be arranged and improved. So you get changes more quickly and more regularly in multi-tenant solutions.

  • All customers are on the same software version.

Since all customers are on the same software version, when one of the customers finds a bug, the seller can repair and implement an improved version to all customers simultaneously. So bugs are fixed long before you know there was a bug.

  • There is a better collaboration between the community using the software.

Customers can collaborate more easily with each other since they use the exact same version of the software. When you talk with another customer or when you call maintenance, you no longer need to explain for a long time what you are working on as was the case before “I am on version 8.3, tools 9.2138 running in DB2 in virtual space in virtual space with Appach web servers...” You just have to say “how can I treat my deferred income so that I can recognize it? ”

In a multi-tenant environment, there is no fixed foundation, it's just on-demand application services that allow you to do your job properly. The base doesn't exist, which makes it easier for you.

gain de temps

In summary

To put it simply, don't burden yourself by owning a database and paying someone to maintain this base or to put a few snippets of Cloud applications on it. With the” True Cloud ” that is to say, the Cloud by multi-tenant you save time and efficiency.

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