
Optimize the delivery date: Be efficient

Published By
Jeremy Ferrer
Purchasing profession
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Best practices for efficient delivery

During the purchase of services with a lead time of 30 days, you usually understand delivery in calendar days. But “days” can have the following different meanings when talking aboutservice purchases :

“Calendar days”: All days, including weekends and holidays, are counted. So, if you place your order on July 1 and the delivery time is 30 days, expect the service to be completed by July 31.

Good practice efficient delivery

“Business days”: Every day, except weekends and holidays, count in The delivery time. So, if you place your order on July 1, and consider that July 14 is a holiday while Saturdays and Sundays are not days when businesses work, you will have to plan to run the service for August 14.

“Days worked”: Depending on the department, some supplier employees are assigned to specific tasks. “Working days” only include days when employees are actually working on your project.

If a person is working on another client's project, that day will not be considered a working day in order to meet the deadline that has been set.

So, if you place your order on July 1, and the provider is working on several projects at the same time, expect to have a complete delivery by the end of September.

What will happen if you understand 30 calendar days for The realization of a service while your supplier reasons during the working day? You have to understand and use the same terms well before reaching an agreement.

And above all, don't forget to confirm it in writing!

Olivier Audino, CEO
Graduated from Grenoble School of Management.

Before founding Buy Made Easy, Olivier worked for 7 years in the Purchasing Department of General Electric, United Technologies and the SEB Group.

It is by sharing with operational staff and business leaders in France and Europe that the idea of offering a marketplace that is easy to use and exclusively dedicated to the expectations of professionals was born.

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