Purchasing skills

Mandatory information on an invoice in France

Published By
Olivier Audino
Spot Buys

Are you wondering what information is mandatory on an invoice in France? This detailed article answers all of your questions. Navigating between tax and business regulations, understanding the requirements for correct billing can be complex. This is why we have put together a complete and clear list, so that every entrepreneur, regardless of their sector of activity, can produce compliant and professional invoices. It is time to unveil this legal obligation. Happy reading.

Mandatory information

Why is mandatory information important on an invoice?

Legal importance of mandatory information

Les Mandatory information on the invoice in France are of legal importance. Indeed, they are required by law and their absence or error may result in sanctions. They ensure the authenticity of the transaction, the traceability of exchanges and the protection of both the seller and the buyer. They also constitute proof in the event of a dispute or tax audit.

Role of mandatory information in the management of supplier invoices

In the management of supplier invoices, mentions are essential. They allow facilitate the processing of invoices, their registration as well as their follow-up. In addition, the mandatory information makes it possible to establish accurate billing in accordance with legal obligations. A good Make an invoice thus avoids late payments and optimizes accounting processes.

Impact of mandatory information on the definition of the invoice

The presence of mandatory information has an impact on Invoice definition. Indeed, an invoice without these mentions is not considered to be a legally valid invoice. Mandatory information thus makes it possible to clearly identify the two parties involved, to detail the services or products sold as well as the terms of payment.

Mandatory information

Invoice date

Identity of the parties


Essential for the traceability of transactions

Allows you to identify the seller and the buyer

Consequences of an absence

Legal sanctions

Invalidate the bill

Role of mandatory information in the billing address

THEbilling address Is part Mandatory information on an invoice. It makes it possible to distinguish the billing location from the delivery location, especially in the case of a company with several sites. It is also used by the buyer to verify the authenticity of the seller.

Mandatory legal information

Mandatory legal information to include on an invoice in France

Basic mentions

In the exercise of Invoice (mandatory mention in France), some information is mandatory to keep on each document. For example, the date of issue, the invoice number, the name and address of the seller and the buyer, and the total amount due are essential information.

Details of the services

On the invoice, a detail of the services or products sold must also appear. The unit price, quantity, description and total amount excluding taxes for each service or product should be listed. This mandatory mention helps to make accurate billing and avoids any misunderstanding or subsequent disputes between the seller and the buyer.

Legal information to include

A company's invoice must also mention its tax identification number, often referred to as an intra-community VAT number. In addition, the invoice must indicate the applicable VAT regime and the VAT rate. In case of exemption from VAT, according to Invoice definition, this should also be clearly mentioned.

Penalties in case of late payment

Are you considering enter a supplier invoice or to manage a supplier invoice? Mandatory information also includes the terms of payment, the penalties in case of late payment and the indication of the fixed compensation for recovery costs in the event of late payment.

Summary table


Basic mentions

Details of benefits

Legal information

Penalties for late payments


Date, number, names and addresses of seller and buyer and total amount

Unit price, quantity, description, total amount excluding taxes

Tax identification number, VAT regime, VAT rate

Payment terms, penalties, lump-sum compensation for recovery costs

mandatory information in billing management

How to integrate mandatory information into billing management?

Understand the mandatory information

To draw up an invoice in accordance with French legislation, several mandatory information must appear. These mandatory information on invoices in France include: the identity of the parties (name or company name and address), the invoice number, the date of the invoice, the quantity and the precise name of the products or services, the unit price excluding taxes, the price reductions acquired and not included in this unit price, and finally, the total amount to be paid. These must be clearly marked in order to avoid any subsequent disputes.

Automate billing

A practical way to incorporate mandatory information into billing is to use automation. Several billing software programs exist. They make it possible to automate the process of integrating mandatory information on each invoice. Invoicing thus becomes child's play and you save a considerable amount of time.

Working with suppliers

In the management of supplier invoices, it is crucial to ensure that each invoice received respects the provisions of the law in relation to mandatory information on invoices. Entering supplier invoice must be thorough and any anomaly must be reported immediately for correction. Registering supplier invoices must be thorough and training may be required to master this part of billing management.

The importance of the billing address

It is essential not to overlook the billing address. It should be clearly stipulated and should correspond to the official address of the business or customer. An incorrect billing address can cause late payments, delivery issues, and other complications. Automation can help minimize these errors.


FAQ - Questions

What information is mandatory on an invoice in France?

Invoices in France must contain certain information such as the name and address of the supplier, the name of the purchaser, the date of issue and the description of the products or services.

Is VAT a mandatory mention on invoices in France?

Yes, if you are subject to VAT, you must absolutely mention the amount of VAT on your invoices.

Is there a penalty if I omit a mandatory statement on my bill?

Yes, the omission of a mandatory mention on an invoice may result in tax and criminal sanctions.

What is the legal retention period for invoices in France?

The legal retention period for invoices in France is 10 years from the end of the accounting year.

Do electronic invoices have the same obligations as paper invoices?

Yes, electronic invoices must contain the same mandatory information as paper invoices.

By complying with the mandatory information on invoices in France, you secure your commercial transactions while complying with legal requirements. Remember that billing has a probative function for the tax administration. To consult the legal texts in detail, visit the official Légifrance website. If you want to automate this task, many accounting management tools offer it, such as Quickbooks. Compliance and serenity come at this price.

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