Procurement strategy

Managing cultural differences in communication

Published By
Jeremy Ferrer
Spot Buys

A presentation on cultural difference to improve your international sourcing

achat en chine formation

This presentation, on cultural differences in purchases, relayed by the magazine Décision Achats, which you can get for twelve euros, will allow you to better visualize cultural differences in order to better understand and adapt its communication.

By understanding and controlling your attitudes, behaviors to adopt and methods of communication, Focus China will help you streamline your professional relationships with your Chinese partners.

In summary

The entire presentation: The cultural difference in purchases with a focus on China

The summary of the presentation

Personal questionnaire allowing you to position yourself (25 questions)

A particular focus on China

Negotiation sheets adapted to countries (South Korea, Japan, Japan, England, England, Israel, Poland, Germany, etc.)

A global multi-country presentation with 2 analysis methods

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