Purchasing skills

How to choose and implement management software?

Published By
Olivier Audino
Spot Buys

Management software: for a better optimization of the productivity of your company

Managing a business, regardless of its activity and size, requires the implementation of good strategies such as the use of management software to better achieve its goals. Whether you are still in the creation phase of your company or if it is already in the development phase, good management is required throughout the process. Business management is defined as the implementation of all available resources to ensure the smooth running of business projects and the achievement of objectives. It includes all actions to define the goals to be achieved, monitor the applications of commercial strategies and ensure the proactivity of each member of the company. In order to save time, it is essential to optimize all the operations that must be performed on all links and in all functions. Using business management software is one of the most recommended solutions to maintain control of each operational task within your business. But what is this tool really worth? In what cases should management software be used? What is the benefit of using it and how to set it up? Learn everything you need to know about business management software in this article.

Logiciel de gestion

What is management software?

Management software, whether it is procurement management software, supply management software, or business management software, is a computer tool designed to manage, control, and master the various operational tasks within a company. There are different types of management software depending on the type of tasks that need to be performed. This tool provides valuable assistance to company managers.

Its role is to assist each department of a company in its daily tasks so that they are as optimized and harmonious as possible. Such management tools guarantee the digitalization of the company and help each member to join the digital transformation. Most management software is comprehensive and includes various functionalities to facilitate the implementation of task management at all levels.

For example, the stock management software helps you digitize all incoming and outgoing goods throughout the year. The purpose of using it is to ensure that the business is never out of stock. For large firms that manage large flows of products, this solution is essential, because it is almost impossible for humans to track very large stocks.

ERP and management software: the differences

In reality, ERP or Enterprise Resource Planning, also called PGI or Integrated Management Software in French, is a management software that is intended for financial transactions. ERPs are therefore used in particular in accounting, payroll, logistics services... But ERP can also integrate many other functionalities relating to business management such as inventory or supply management. Thus, a business management solution can also integrate a supply management software, Purchasing management software or stock management software. Thanks to this asset, the management software allows better management of all the company's activities.

Thus, all the information necessary for the overall management of the company is in the same place, making it easy to share it between all users of the tool. The advantage that can be gained from this is the time savings. This leads to better productivity in society.


The benefits of using business management software

The use of management software can only be beneficial for a business, regardless of its level of development and growth. Here are some of the benefits you can get from this tool:

1. A considerable time saver

Time is a precious commodity. You can't make up for it once you've spent it. And in a company, time can be quickly wasted if you don't know how to optimize the 24 hours you have. Embark on digital transformation using a management software is the best way to get there. This type of tool allows you to automate all your financial, commercial, marketing or production operations in order to save time. For example, invoicing software allows you to edit invoices, send them to the person who must sign them, archive them and all this automatically.

2. The business management tool increases your brand image

By using management software, you develop your professionalism, because you work on a database and the information is centralized and well-structured. Your brand image will be boosted. Entities that collaborate with you will have more confidence in your seriousness.

3. More simplified administrative procedures

A software of purchasing management For example, takes care of all the steps that must be carried out when buying a product. These steps may include sourcing suppliers and go as far as drawing up invoices. All this requires administrative tasks that do not add value to the company, although they are important. The tool integrates various functionalities that can take care of these tasks. As a result, you save time, but also in human resources. Indeed, instead of being assigned to secondary tasks, they can focus on developing their core business.

4. Centralized and more accessible data

When data is scattered and not well structured, time is lost and productivity is also lost. The management software makes it possible to centralize the data coming from the department concerned so that they are easily accessible and usable. In addition, note that several functionalities can be combined in a single tool such as payroll, accounting or even inventory. Digitization and automation make it possible to make better use of data, but also to avoid making mistakes.

5. Better coordination of teams in the company

A company doesn't just have internal teams. It also collaborates with external partners who actively participate in its development. By using a management application, you ensure that internal or external work is harmonious and that everyone can access the information they need at all times. This computer software allows a better organization of tasks as well as the respect of the deadline for each of them.

6. Better exploitation of performance

Whatever your field of activity, business management software necessarily creates a more productive team. This results in increased performance. Resources are optimized, tasks are automated. You can focus on strategic tasks. In addition, this tool gives you the opportunity to better comply with the regulations imposed in your sector.

logiciels de gestion

The different types of business management software

Business management is a fairly complex subject. The use of digital tools, such as business management software, does more than help companies enter the era of digitalization. It also and above all helps them to optimize their activities. These tools are of various types. They can be used separately or together through the ERP.

As examples, we can cite:

- The commercial management software

- CRM or customer relationship management

- Human resources management software

- Project management...

This list is not exhaustive. In the following lines, we will detail some of the management tools that are among the most used by the purchasing department.

1. Purchasing management software

This tool makes it possible to create a database for all the operations carried out by the purchasing department within a company. It gives the possibility to follow the complete cycle of everything related to purchases, including the follow-up of your orders, the sourcing of suppliers, the control of the budget, deliveries... The functionalities that are integrated into the software are customized and depend essentially on your needs, but also on the size of your business. Purchasing software automates operations and allows information and data relating to acquisitions made to be more accessible.

The digitization of the entire purchasing process allows you to reduce the time allocated to the search for the best suppliers and to all the administrative procedures relating to purchasing operations. Digitizing these tasks using procurement management software increases productivity so you can focus on the most important tasks. This tool also gives you the opportunity to reduce the risks associated with purchasing, procurement and inventory. It gives better traceability of suppliers as well as exchanges between you.

2. The billing tool

Billing cannot be separated from the purchasing department. Indeed, when we talk about purchasing, it necessarily implies the payment of the supplier's bill. Accounting also includes this service. In order to facilitate the management of all this flow of information, data and documents, it is best to use billing software that allows the automation of all operations related to invoices.

The same is true for the accounting software. It is one of the most important tools within the company. It is also more or less linked to the purchasing function. It allows better security of the entire accounting obligations process and allows the company to comply with standards in this field. The risks of errors are also reduced through the use of this tool.

3. The stock management software

Stock management is involved in purchases, but also in sales. The stock management software makes it possible to monitor the stock level, to update the necessary data on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. In general, the software publisher integrates an inventory function into the replenishment solutions, which makes it possible to see in real time the quantity of remaining items in order not to run out of stock. The purpose of using such a tool is to save time, but also to save on expenses.

How to choose a management software?

The choice is crucial to ensure the sustainability of your business. So it should not be taken lightly. To find the best management software that fits your needs, follow the steps below.

1. List your real needs in terms of functionalities

Whatever the activity of your business, the first thing you need to do to choose a good management tool is to list your real needs. Indeed, each company does not have the same expectations and needs. Make a list of all the time-consuming tasks in your business that require the deployment of management software. You should also identify the functionalities that you may need, because software is designed differently. Some designers offer customized solutions based on the specific needs of the user. Others offer scalable solutions that follow the development of the company. Consider the number of users who are going to need to use the tool. Also, take into account the size of your business. Will the software be designed for an SME or for a start-up or even for a large company?

2. Compare the software you have listed

Once you have an initial list of management solutions that could meet your needs, move on to the next step of comparing the software you selected. This is about refining your list even more and reducing it to 2 to 3 tools. To do this, you can test the tool outright, then evaluate it on specific criteria in relation to your needs. It is even common to require the designer to provide a demo version that allows your teams to test it. One person per department is more than enough to attend the demonstration.

3. Take your mobility into consideration

Some business owners are mobile all the time, meaning they travel frequently. Fortunately, there are mobile applications that are accessible everywhere you go. When choosing business management software, consider this constraint as well. Make sure the software has a dedicated mobile version. This can be useful if you need to use the tool remotely or while on the go. All you have to do is have your smartphone or tablet and that's it. There is also software that simply has backups in the cloud. The data is then accessible via the Internet wherever you go.

4. Consider your budget

Using business management software requires a certain budget. There is no shortage of publishers on the market. All offer different products and offers, which should be compared before starting. Again, you need to base yourself on your needs and your budget. Why buy an expensive tool that has features that you don't even use? Above all, you have to compare prices on the market. Feel free to spend time researching and comparing to find the best deal. Some products work on a subscription basis, others only need to be purchased once.

5. Consider reviews and references

After drawing up an initial list of business management software, feel free to ask for references and testimonials from other businesses that have already used them. This allows you to have an objective opinion on the product. It is even advisable to ask your entrepreneurial friends or project managers to tell you what they think of the tool.

6. Have a long-term vision of your business

You will surely have to use the software for a very long time. That's why you need to find the one that will still meet your needs decades later. Consider acquiring management software that is scalable, but above all, one that can adapt to the hardware you already use. A scalable tool can receive the latest updates without requiring you to acquire new software. In case you think that the tool is not complete, it is always possible to integrate new modules to overcome this problem.

7. Choose ergonomic software

You won't be the only one using the software. Many people from different departments will also get their hands on it. That is why, you should choose a tool that is simple to use, with an ergonomic interface so that users do not easily get lost in the maze of a tool that is much too complex.

8. Choose secure software

The security of your data and information is essential. This is one of the most important selection criteria that you should consider when choosing management software. Find out well before making your choice. Ask for references if necessary so that you can be reassured.

Comment choisir un logiciel de gestion

BME offers its supplier sourcing management solution

Choosing the right one management tool for each of the functions of the company is essential. For the management of your class C purchases and in particular your suppliers, rely on BME's 100% digitized tool. It is an e-procurement solution called Sourcing Force. It gives you the possibility to automate all your class C purchasing processes. Thanks to this purchasing management software, you can automate your orders, reduce your expenses and have better transparency in all procedures. With Punch-out access, you will be able to have e-catalogs at your disposal listing thousands of suppliers with whom you can negotiate your rates. Management software like Sourcing Force allows your business to be more competitive on the market.

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