Needs analysis

How satisfied are you with the purchase data?

Published By
Jeremy Ferrer
Purchasing profession

Companies that carry out a Purchasing mapping tend to base their strategy on accounting extractions. Isn't that considering the small end of the eyeglass? In fact, they only get a purely financial view of a situation at the moment instead of reasoning by business markets.

Let me explain...

What if we instead considered extractions from the accounting base from a Buyer's perspective? For example, observing the distribution of expenses on a given supplier market by creating a multitude of purchasing segmentations (with 3 to 4 levels of precision) would make it possible to bring out a vision of expenses that is much more adapted to homogeneous purchasing consultations.

Nearly 20% of expenses are unknown to Buyers!

In addition, a significant portion of expenses — nearly 20% according to a survey by the CXP group! — does not follow the traditional path of purchase requests, especially in the fields of insurance, legal (lawyers, auditors) and for everything related to taxes and local impositions. A glaring lack of visibility for Buyers.

Purchasing mapping carried out via an e-purchasing solution such as Sourcing Force allows you to visualize all company expenses, including those that come out of “classic” procedures.

At the beginning of the year, a major pharmaceutical laboratory set up the Purchasing mapping module of the Sourcing Force solution in order to visualize all of their purchasing data in a homogeneous and centralized manner. The benefit? Be able to communicate up-to-date information via pre-established graphs. They will thus be able to standardize their mapping across all of their global subsidiaries in the medium term.

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