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Create your Spend Analytic roadmap

Published By
Jeremy Ferrer
Spot Buys

Create your Spend Analytic roadmap

modèle cartographie des achats

Collecting and analyzing data in real time has become a major challenge for any Purchasing Department. Carrying out a quality Spend Analytic roadmap is the key to an efficient purchasing management system.

In this model, you will find:

  • Overall expenditure analysis
  • Overview of expenses by suppliers
  • Categorization of expenses by purchasing family
  • Action plan and savings estimate

Download your Spend Analytic roadmap template

Spend Analytic roadmap Template

Spend Analytic roadmap allows you to audit all of your company's expenses and to prioritize your high-potential actions. Spend Analytic roadmap is the only guarantee of efficient results in the short and medium term.

This work is essential for a purchasing department wishing to contribute effectively to the growth of its organization.

To help you, we provide you with a Spend Analytic roadmap template that allows you to see how to structure your expenditure control analysis.

Cartographie des achats

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