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Car fleet: How to save money by managing it better!

Published By
Jeremy Ferrer
Purchasing profession
  • Car fleet: How to save money by managing it better!

Fleet Buyers at BME Consulting have a minimum of 5 years of experience in the automotive industry. With nearly one new consultation per month, our Expert Buyers remain in constant contact with the market. Subsequently, they are constantly innovating in the search for new savings levers for our customers.

Discover our Car Fleet Center and quickly contact one of our Purchasing experts for a personalized quote.

Save money on your fleet expenses

The first intervention of our teams consists in mapping your car fleet, to identify its models and uses.
In a second step, our teams draw up specifications, to target the most qualified actors to meet your expectations.

Our Car Fleet experts carry out a diagnosis of your vehicle fleet. And they take care of all or part of the negotiations with builders and renters.

Thirdly, the call for tenders that we are setting up makes it possible to ensure optimal negotiation for each category of vehicle.
Finally, we manage your car fleet to ensure that the negotiated conditions are maintained.

Find out how to save money on your car fleet

Outsourced management of your car fleet

Our fleet management team is at your disposal to take care of all administrative tasks and driver support.

With more than 1000 vehicles under outsourced management, our experts in car fleet management are completely neutral when it comes to financing organizations. But also in front of the various manufacturers. Thanks to this neutrality, Buy Made Easy can effectively manage the history of our customers' car fleet.

Better manage your car fleet

Sport vehicle purchase brokerage

Each year, Buy Made Easy negotiates for around 600 vehicles every year, which allows you to obtain discounts on manufacturer offers.
BME also offers you personalized technical, financial and fiscal advice.

From 1 to 10 cars? Take advantage of our special agreements with manufacturers and rental companies to get your vehicles at the best rates.

Buy Made Easy's Fleet Expert Buyers support you throughout the buying process for your professional vehicles, from choosing financing to finding and negotiating with the supplier.

Vehicle purchase brokerage

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